- Speed: The melancholic is slow to react. Because their reactions are slow in coming, they prefer quiet thought to enthusiastic conversation. One advantage of this temperament is critical insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a project, but one disadvantage is pessimism in the face of all the foreseen difficulties.
- Intensity: This humor’s immediate reaction has a deep intensity that may not be apparent to others. They may seem indifferent in conversation, but they do listen and think over the events of their life. While their intensity for ideas is great, they may forget about serving people and friends.
- Duration: Melancholic reactions endure long after the event. They often remember insults; they can hold onto grudges. Nevertheless, they have a great capacity for rigorous study. Although the long reactions help melancholics to contemplate, they need to learn when to take action.
Advice for Tempering
- Virtues to seek
- Speed: promptness, quickness, zeal, liveliness, openness
- Intensity: cheerfulness, positivity, joy, audacity, strength, generosity, friendliness, amiability
- Duration: forgiving, understanding, ambition
- Vices to avoid
- Speed: inaction, standoffishness, irresolution, despondency, awkwardness
- Intensity: complaining, critical, sadness, grief, pride, depression, harshness, passivity, disagreeable, ill-humored, peevish, downcast, moody
- Duration: envy, rumination, fantasy, feeble, resentment, despair
- Dominant Passion to Bridle
- Fear
- Sadness
- Hatred
- Dormant Passion to Spur
- Daring
- Joy
- Love
Examples from Western Literature

The contemplative melancholic reads a book. He also grasps firmly on a bag of money, displaying the …

Melancholy in Emma
Jane Austen's Emma, chapter XI:
Isabel: "Papa, if you speak in that melancholy way, you will be givi…

Fixing Fanny's Melancholy
Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, chapter XLVI, when the narrator comments on Fanny's melancholy:
There …

Melancholy in A Midsummers Night Dream
THESEUS: Go, Philostrate, / Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments; / Awake the pert and nimble sp…

The Melancholic King in A Winter's Tale
AUTOLYCUS: The king is not at the palace; he is gone aboard a new ship to purge melancholy and air h…

Melancholy in Comedy of Errors
ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE: A trusty villain, sir, that very oft, / When I am dull with care and melanch…

Hamlet's Melancholy
THE KING: Love? His affections do not that way tend, / Nor what he spake, though it lack’d form a li…

The Melancholy Jaques
JAQUES: I prithee, pretty youth, let me be better acquainted with / thee.
ROSALIND: They say you are…

Ferdinand's Melancholy
FERDINAND: Besieged with sable-colored melancholy, I did commend the black-oppressing humor to the m…

Much Ado About Nothing
LEONATO: There’s little of the melancholy element in her, my lord: she is / never sad but when she s…

Shakespeare's Pericles
PERICLES [To Lords without.]: Let none disturb us. — Why should this change of thoughts, / The sad c…